Monday, April 14, 2008

The Podcast is a Success!

I posted our group's first podcast today over our ideal classroom scenario project! It went really well and I am excited about the outcome. This project was very fun and did not take a whole lot of excess time (or patience) to complete. I believe that this is something that can be integrated into my classroom someday. Students could make podcasts over a creative story they have written, or a speech they have presented. The awesome thing about it is that they have the opprtunity to personalize their podcast with jingles and other sound effects to really create a cool podcast!

Feel free to check it out! It's posted here at - a free site that uploads podcasts for your listening pleasure!

Also, as a group, we would love to hear your thoughts on our podcast or provide us links to other favorite podcasts that you have listened to. But, if you don't feel like commenting here, don't hesitate to comment at PodBean!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ideal Classroom Scenario

What: Recently in our Classroom Computer Applications class, we had a project that we were to come up with the ideal classroom scenario integrating all of the technology we wanted to! It was a fascinating project in which our group tallied just over $57,000 for our total expenses! We had a SMART white board, an AirLiner Tablet, a study corner, complete with a couch, chairs and a bean bag, and the coolest possible setup conducive to learning!

So What: This was an awesome way to get us involved with technology and just how much these sorts of things could be integrated into the classroom curriculum. After doing much research and completing the final proposal to give to the projected school board, it offered us an insight into the real world of teaching, how to plan for things and ultimately, go about possibly getting it approved!

Now What: After completing this project, I can only hope that I am in a district that is able to have at least some minimal technological advances within it to use in the classroom. Otherwise, it will be an interesting struggle to maneuver through the school day without advanced technology!

- Feel free to comment below of you have any ideas on improving technology within our schools or if you thought this was a worhtwhile project, I would enjoy hearing them!